Saturday, April 22, 2017

Walk My Way - ALWS

On Tuesday 4 July, I'm stepping out to bring love to life through Walk My Way!
I'm going to walk 26 times around the block (along Campaspe Crescent, down Black Dog Drive through the park next to Arnolds Creek, across the bridge and back down Campaspe Crescent), in recognition of the long dangerous journey refugees must take to find safety - and to raise money to help send a refugee child to school at the same time. It's being organised by Australian Lutheran World Service, the overseas aid and development agency of the Lutheran Church. 
It's only $26 to help provide a teacher, textbook and table for one pre-school child living in a refugee camp in Kenya, Djibouti, or Sudan. Many of these kids were born here, and know no other life. Some even arrived alone, without mum or dad. 
I want to help in a practical way that changes lives - and I know school can do just that!
I'd love it if you could support me in this challenge by sponsoring me. Simply click on the Donate button now.
(If you decide you want to give it a go yourself, you can find out more here!)
Thank you so much for taking action to bring love to life for these refugee kids, and supporting me in the Walk My Way challenge! 
Walk My Way (

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